Curb Appeal Can Enhance Your Bottom Line

Your home’s exterior is the first chance you have to make a good impression on potential buyers, leaving them with thoughts of themselves enjoying the space on a warm summer day.

There are a variety of projects you can undertake, big and small, and here are some of the top ideas to make your property pop while getting the best return on your investment.

Consider starting with replacing your front door. This is an opportunity to add a splash of colour or add a stunning screen door to bring your theme together and is a fairly simple task to undertake.

Adding a deck or patio not only increases the property’s usable space by up to a couple hundred feet but also provides a fantastic return on investment at approximately 100-150%. Calgarians love taking advantage of their outdoor areas (barbeque is a year-round sport!) and investing in a covered patio or deck will make your home even more appealing to buyers.

While landscaping may seem like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised how many listings have basic to no decerning tree, plant or flower features to make the yard stand out. Start with what you have. Prune all the trees and bushes, edge the lawn and gardens then fill in any gaps or empty spaces with an extra bush/small tree or two. Accent your new deck with some decorative pots and vibrant flowers, a little can go a long way to draw attention to the peaceful space you create.

It is amazing what a difference a little bit of elbow grease in the sunshine can make to both your enjoyment of your yard and wallet if you choose to sell – soak up the sun! Visit me on Facebook and Google!
