Signs you should sell your home soon

It can be tough to make the decision to sell your home but if you know how to read the signs, it can be so much easier to commit to making the move. There are a lot of factors at play, so let’s break down some of the most compelling reasons why selling now might be best for you and your family…

The market is hot. Pay attention to what’s going on with home sales in and around Calgary. If properties are selling quickly (like they are right now!), it might be time to have me in to do a market evaluation to see where your home sits in today’s market.

Interest rates are reasonable. While rates have increased over the last year, Canada still has one of the lowest mortgage rates in the world making buying a home versus renting the preferred choice. In fact, an overwhelming 70.9% of Albertans own a home instead of renting.

Your needs have changed. Maybe your children are nearing school age and you want to be closer to your preferred school. Perhaps you’ve outgrown your current home and need more space. Or you are becoming an empty-nester and want to downsize. Lifestyle changes are a common reason for a move.

The neighbourhood is no longer appealing. Whether the community has changed or you have, maybe your area is just no longer suiting your needs. A new community with all the features you could want might be a draw or you might be looking to escape your now congested neighbourhood.

Renovations or home maintenance don’t work for you. Remodelling can be costly & timely, so before you get started, take a look at the most expensive homes in your area to see what they are selling for. It might make more sense to put your renovation cash toward a new property instead. Maybe instead of spending time gardening, shoveling, mowing and doing other maintenance chores you’d rather be at your baseball league or at the theatre with friends. A home that requires less time and energy may be a better choice for you at this point in your life.

Consider all of the above reasons when thinking about a potential move. A new journey just might be in your near future, and I’d be delighted to be by your side for the ride. Visit me on Facebook and Google!
